Buggies Garage
Tips and advice from the pros
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Windshields 101
When it comes to picking out a golf cart windshield, there are a lot of options. The first step in choosing the right windshield for your golf cart is to figure out the make and model of your cart.
When and How to Grease the Front End of the Cart
The front end of your car will have “Zerk” or “Grease Fittings”, that allow you to apply grease via a grease gun into the high wear points on the golf cart. For example, Club car will have 5 fittings, all of which need to be greased at least once a season. You do this by ...
Choosing The Right Battery For Your Golf Cart
On a full charge, there’s nothing better than taking an E-Z-GO, Club Car or Yamaha out for a spin. When the power starts to drop and the charge is dying faster than before, it can get in the way of your fun. To make sure you’re getting every mile out of a charge, you want the right batteries in your cart.